MomOpinion Matters.Com
Book Install#48/Ch6-Senior Year

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Conclusion: Heart, Humor & Optimism Revisted

H20 to Go!

Growing Emotional Resilience and Navigating Through Childhood

with Heart, Humor & Optimism

BY Margo Judge

Updated 2009

H20 to Go! Copyright, 2004
By  Margo Judge

All rights reserved.
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Attribution to Margo@MomOpinion Matters (TM)

Installment #48
Senior Year-Destination Ahead

Senior Year is full of surprises and contradictions.  For one thing, we and our child are actually on the same page, going through the same push-pulls.  We're ready and not ready for them to leave home.  They're extremely happy it's all over and not that happy about saying good-bye to all that has meant familiarity.

Our seniors have spent their entire school life in familiar settings, knowing, in most respects, what to expect.  Even if they have had to relocate, switch schools, and make new friends,ninth grade still remains the first start-to-get-serious high school year, tenth grade is about making serious intellectual inroads, eleventh grade becomes the show and tell year, after which SAT's come calling,colleges need visiting, applications have to be filled out, and essays written.  By first semester of Senior Year, everyone is huffing and puffing up the same path, the way now crowded with lots of signs and other fellow travelers

But, this final stretch will soon end, and everyone will scatter in different directions.
While each may have chosen a favorite new path, right now most must sit by the side of the road waiting to receive direction.  Waiting is not easy.  Having no control over this part of their destiny becomes difficult for all involved.  When acceptances to colleges come in, some will be unbelievably relieved and excited to travel their chosen road.  Others will be sadly disappointed and unsettled with their new given path.  ALl will experience the pangs of letting go and doubts over what lies beyond.

Senior year is upon us and it will seem long.  I found looking back that it became more a series of happenings, many humorous moments in time that when put together formed a collage of common remembrances and universal truths.(I wrote about this in H20 Part 2)

The shaky feelings and awkward balance we thought were behind them come out for one last brief encore.  But, if our seniors can shake out their angst now, before they settle into a new space, they will be just fine.  So will we!